Electronic Products & Technology

Tech employers seek AI skills in graduates

EP&T Magazine   

Automation / Robotics AI artificial intelligence graduates hiring skill

Three-quarters of employers in the tech sector are looking for competency in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning from graduates emerging into the workforce, according to a new survey by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

The report surveys leading global firms, with over half of the sample of employers coming from Fortune 500 companies. Employers who were looking to hire tech-focused graduates stated AI and Machine learning were vital competencies to have.

Web3, blockchain and virtual reality skills

Surpassing the demand for AI, a remarkable 80 per cent of companies are actively searching for candidates with technical expertise in Web3, blockchain, and virtual reality skills. Additionally, 75 per cent of these companies emphasise the importance of proficiency in operating cloud-based technology.

Other findings in the report highlight communication, data analysis, and strategy expertise as the most essential skills for graduates according to surveyed employers. Moreover, they anticipate that these proficiencies will gain even greater significance in the future, which is characterised by increased global connectivity through even more diverse mediums than at present. As a result, multilingualism, active listening, and cross-cultural competence are also underlined by surveyed employers to become increasingly indispensable over the next five years.

Prioritization of cutting-edge technologies

“We are witnessing a significant transformation in the hiring landscape, with a clear shift towards the prioritization of cutting-edge technologies in recruitment,” says Nalisha Patel, Europe regional director at GMAC. “As technology continues to shape the future workplace, it not only changes how we work, what skills we need to be successful, but also it impacts with who we work with too.”

Indeed, in both the technology and consulting sectors, employers highlighted the significance of cross-cultural competence and multilingualism for recent graduates; while just over 50% of tech employers believe candidates are well-prepared in multilingual skills, fewer than half felt the same about cross-cultural competence.

Graduates to be sufficiently prepared in most aspects

Employers in the consulting industry, on the whole, consider graduates to be sufficiently prepared in most aspects. Nevertheless, specific concerns among employers in Western Europe and the Middle East, particularly regarding cross-cultural competence and nonverbal communication skills, were underlined.

In contrast, employers in the United States express a more critical stance on graduates’ preparedness, particularly in essential communication skills like active listening, negotiating, and conflict resolution. Similarly, US employers also expressed lower confidence with how equipped graduates were in technology, software, and programming skills, which 62% of the sample overall found to become even more important over the next 5 years.



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