Electronic Products & Technology

Electronic System Design Industry Posts $4.5 Billion in Revenue in Q1 2024

By EP&T Magazine   

Electronics Semiconductors Engineering design electronic systems increase revenue

The information comes from a report published by the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community.

Revenue generated by the electronic system design (ESD) industry increase by 14.4 per cent in the first quarter of 2024, totaling over $4.52 billion compared to just over $3.95 billion in the first quarter of 2023.

This amounts to a 14.8 per cent four-quarter moving average, the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, announced in their Electronic Design Market Data (EDMD) report.

SEMI and Electronic System Design Alliance Logo. Image Credit: ESDA

Revenue generation was broken down into five product and application categories, with Computer-Aided Engineering contributing the most revenue at $1.62 billion, a 13 per cent jump.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property grew 18.6 per cent to just under $1.58 billion, IC Physical Design and Verification increased 13.9 per cent to $769.6 million, Printed Circuit Board and Multi-Chip Module revenue rose 2.8 per cent to $378.9 million, and Services experienced the largest percentage increase of 22.3 per cent to $173.9 million.

The Americas was the largest reporting region by revenue at $1.94 billion, representing a 14. 1 per cent increase.

Asia Pacific followed, procuring $1.72 billion representing a 19 per cent increase, with Europe, the Middle East, and Africa generating $579 million for a 9.2 per cent increase and Japan producing $280.7 million for a 2.8 per cent increase.


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