Electronic Products & Technology


Charting Canada’s AI Future

February 15, 2024

Charting Canada’s AI Future: How to Build a Resilient Framework for Investment, Adoption, and Economic Prosperity

Hosted by The Empire Club of Canada

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST

Our leading AI panelists – from the top Canadian AI startups, researchers, and venture capitalists – will dive into key priorities as Canada looks toward the future of AI. There’s a lot to consider – from government investment to the state of adoption to the unimaginable way it will impact our economy, the workplace and lives.

The panelists will discuss and debate what Canada needs to do to put together a strong framework for AI in the country, and what businesses need to consider to adapt and keep up with the ever-evolving landscape.

Moderated by Jordan Jacobs, Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Radical Ventures

Panel Members

Tony Gaffney is the President and CEO of the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He also serves on the Government of Canada’s Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence, the OECD.AI network of experts task force for AI Governance Compute and Climate Change (ONE.AI), and is a Corporate Director with Altus Group (AIF.TO), an AI enabled intelligence as a service company.

Jordan Jacobs is Managing Partner and co-founder of Radical Ventures. Before Radical, Jordan co-founded Layer 6 AI and was co-CEO prior to its acquisition by TD Bank Group where he joined as Chief AI Officer (Business & Strategy).

Martin Kon is President and COO at Cohere, the leading AI platform for enterprise. Cohere’s world-class AI platform is uniquely suited to the needs of business, offering data-secure deployment options in companies’ existing cloud environments, customization, and customer support.

Angus Lockhart is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Dais. Angus researches the adoption of innovative technologies in both the public and private sectors and the role policy can play in accelerating uptake.

Raquel Urtasun is the Founder and CEO of Waabi. A world-renowned expert within the field of AI, Raquel is pioneering the application of this transformative technology to build innovative self-driving solutions. Raquel is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto and co-founded the Vector Institute for AI together with Geoff Hinton.

Chris Walker is an innovative and growth-driven semiconductor executive based in the Silicon Valley. He has led major initiatives and business units throughout his 30-year career at Intel Corporation, and recently became Chief Executive Officer at Toronto-based, Untether AI.

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