Electronic Products & Technology


Quantum Days 2024

February 21 - February 23, 2024

Canada’s flagship quantum science and technology conference

Held at MacEwan Conference and Event Centre – Calgary

Join us as we hear from world-renowned researchers and thought leaders. Gain valuable insights into latest breakthroughs, research findings, and prospects for quantum science and technology. Engage in panel discussions on policy, research funding, workforce development, and end-user needs.
Quantum Days brings together researchers, industry leaders, students, policymakers, end-users, and investors from across the globe. Do not miss the opportunity to build relationships that can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and career opportunities.
Hear about the workforce of the future. Highlight your research. Learn what skills are needed to advance your career in quantum.
Present your latest research or showcase your organization through speaking opportunities, poster sessions, exhibitor booths, and sponsorship opportunities.
The vision began
The vision for Quantum Days started in 2020 while we were all working from home looking for creative ways to share and connect. A group of colleagues from across Canada gathered to make Quantum Days 2021 a reality. Over 1,000 participants joined in online as we heard the latest advancements from researchers across the country and shared a vision and desire for a national quantum strategy in Canada. Quantum Days 2022 and 2023 continued to be held online and pushed the conversations, discussions, and opportunities forward while engagement increased each year. Quantum Days 2024 marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we host the very first in person edition and come together to foster deeper connections and forge new collaborations in the vibrant city of Calgary. We invite you to join us as we experience the energy and excitement as academia, industry, and government stakeholders from across Canada converge to showcase the latest advancements and breakthroughs. Come and find out how Canada’s national strategy investments are bearing fruit. Discover how quantum science and technology can address industry needs. Expand your network, form strategic partnerships, and contribute to shaping the future of quantum in Canada.
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