Electronic Products & Technology

Multi-core 64-Bit microprocessors support broad market range

EP&T Magazine   

Electronics Wireless IoT 64-Bit aerospace automotive communications Defense industrial IoT microchip microprocessors multi-core

MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY PIC64GX MPUs join PIC64 family of PIC64 multi-core 64-Bit microprocessors that support a broad range of markets that require both real-time and application class processing. Devices enable intelligent edge designs for the industrial, automotive, communications, IoT, aerospace and defense segments. The intelligent edge often requires 64-bit heterogenous compute solutions with asymmetric processing to run Linux, real-time operating systems and bare metal in a single processor cluster with secure boot capabilities. PIC64GX family manages mid-range intelligent edge compute requirements using a 64-bit RISC-V quad-core processor with Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) and deterministic latencies.

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