Electronic Products & Technology

Portable bench top RF amplifiers withstand harsh environments

EP&T Magazine   


PASTERNACK Portable bench top RF amplifiers are rugged and cover extremely wide frequency bands up to 40GHz, meeting MIL-STD-202F environmental test conditions for humidity, shock, vibration, altitude and temperature cycle. Product line includes 4 models covering multi-octave bandwidths between 1GHz to 40GHz and exhibit flat gain response. Units provide up to 60dB small signal gain with high dynamic range, low noise figure of 5dB and output P1dB compression power ranges from +10dBm to +22dBm. Additionally, these portable and compact amplifiers have an internal ac voltage power supply of 115-120Vac @ 60Hz, an operating temperature range -40C to +85C and allow a storage temperature of -40C to +100C.



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