Electronic Products & Technology

Remote procedure call-based solution speeds data transfer from test instruments

EP&T Magazine   

Electronics Test & Measurement call-based data-transfer MSO SCPI Solution test

TEKTRONIX TekHSI (Tektronix’s high speed interface) remote procedure call (RPC)-based solution delivers faster data transfer from testing instruments to a user’s PC. TekHSI functions as a new firmware capability on the Tektronix MSO 4B, 5 and 6 Series models (including B and LP instrument renditions). The abstractions provided in TekHSI make it possible to achieve higher data transfer speeds with easy-to-use implementation and scaling abilities, and TekHSI enables firm’s customers to capture the highest performance output from an instrument’s physical link, such as ethernet, and transfer data at higher speeds.

The current test and measurement solutions available in today’s market require meticulous code optimization to achieve high data transfer rates, relying on standard commands for programmable instruments (SCPI) such as curve and curvestream to move data from instrument to computer. This makes it difficult for test and measurement engineers to maximize the bandwidth of the physical link their instruments are shipped with, typically 1 Gbps ethernet.

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