Electronic Products & Technology

Two-part, silver-filled silicone meets low outgassing specs

EP&T Magazine   

Electronics Production / Materials bonding materials production silicone

MASTER BOND MasterSil 323S-LO addition cured silicone is electrically conductive and thermally conductive. The ASTM E-595 low outgassing rated product is designed for bonding applications where low stress is critical and is appropriate for use in vacuum environments. It can be utilized in the aerospace, electronic, opto-electronic, and specialty OEM industries. Product provides flexibility and toughness, with a Shore A hardness of 35 to 55, a low tensile modulus of less than 800 psi and an elongation of 50-100%, measured at 75°F. This enables it to withstand aggressive thermal cycling and mechanical shock, while offering a wide service temperature range from -80°F to +400°F [-62°C to +204°C]. Product is a silver filled compound that has a volume resistivity of less than 0.003 ohm-cm and a thermal conductivity of 9-11 BTU•in/(ft2•hr•°F) [1.30-1.59 W/(m•K)] at room temperature. It bonds well to a wide variety of substrates, including metals, composites, glass, ceramics, rubbers as well as many types of plastics.

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